Feedback on GFX

:art: Hello! Here’s a new GFX I finished. Let me know what you think about it. If you are in need of a GFX designer, feel free to contact me as I just opened commissions.

:briefcase: In case you want to commission me, you can check my portfolio here:


I really like this composition! The water reflections and various light sources really bring the scene together. With that said, I do have a few nitpicks:



  • There seems to be some light source emitting pink light. I wasn’t able to find the light source (police car?)

  • The light behind this character is bright, and there should be some white rim light on the character.


  • This part of the wall sticks out as its the only one in the scene that is untextured/flatly colored. Consider adding a texture.

  • Since it’s raining in the scene, some raindrops on the car would sell the “rainy” look even more.

In general, you’ve definitely outdone yourself on this piece. I took a look at your portfolio, and none of them match the same quality as this one. Best of luck making even better artwork!


Thank you very much for your feedback! It means a lot for me. I tried to make something different from the portfolio because I want to become better and not stall. Thank you again! :pray:

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