Feedback on GFX

Hello. I want some feedback on a GFX I made this morning in order to make it better! Here’s the GFX:

Thanks for the help!


Nice, I believe the brightness of the red-ish background takes away from the foreground/subject; I would recommend reducing the brightness/gamma of the background to make the subject “pop” more - this could also be done through darker shadows or a lighter color palette.

Same thing applies to the text.


Nice, 2D rendering is good, but this GFX would be way better if you used blender cycles.

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This GFX looks very good! I think it’s a bit too red and bright though. Otherwise, nice job on it!

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i believe you can still use those strong colors as long as the character has the same color palette

by Andaerz
but whats with that red chunk in the top left corner?


It’s nice, but, the lighting looks bland, try adding some color or reducing the power of the light here and there to add some depth.

The text blends with the background, maybe darken its color just a tiny bit.

The character is also a bit too far, bring him closer to the camera and make those red chunks in the corner smaller.

Hope this helps!

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The text blends in with the color making it hard to see the text. The character doesn’t fit the color due to the lighting, I would make the fit with the color, that it would have a little high quality.

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Yeah I agree, it’s just in this case it doesn’t work with the character he already has - also, I’m assuming for time reasons, he likely won’t recreate the entire character/subject but might consider color grading or perhaps even changing the background.

But yes, that is true, it will work with a lot of drawings and can be applied in very creative ways.