Hello, I made this today and I would love to hear some positive/negative feedback on it.
- I would love to see some suggestions as well!
Thanks guys!
Hello, I made this today and I would love to hear some positive/negative feedback on it.
Thanks guys!
It looks very good keep making more it looks super good keep up the good work.
Well made, looks very clean and nice. Keep up the amazing work!
Thank you xPhyxo and DevNetCheese, I appreciate it!
Great detail with the candles and sword outline. Might be just a tad too dark/dim or it could be my old pc monitor but Overall looks good.
Great GFX
I love the design
The Shadow Really make it look realistic
It looks very good! But it’s a bit too dark. Keep up the great work!
It looks good! Maybe brighten the lighting? It kind of looks too dark.
Looks great! I like how the candles and the sword stand out and that amazing shading. I would say it’s a tad bit dark though, but overall it’s really good!
Looks good, if there was one thing you should fix in my opinion it would be the lighting seems a bit to dark. I recommend making it brighter.
I agree with the people from above. For example, to make it brighter you can add like artificial lighting. I would put a sun point right above the character pointing downwards or you could add a fireplace near the side of the character to create more light.
The overall image is pretty dark, but this really highlights the weapon and candles… honestly I think it looks really nice apart from it being just a slight bit too dark. I also see that the flames on the candles seem to have a curve on the upper left side, I’m not sure if it varies based of camera angle or what, but maybe changing the one on the right side of the wall so it is flipped the other direction?
In all honesty i would get rid of the candles and turn up the lighting, however i know that your probably trying to put the candles there for effect.
Overall its really good keep this up!
I really like it, but its a little dark so the lighting could be improved a little
It’s really cool! Maybe you should change the brightness because it’s kinda bit dark.
I think It’s really cool but as with anything some people have some thoughts that could be added or taken away. I hope this helped thanks from John.
His left arm is going into his face, I’d personally move the arm down so it doesn’t stick into it.
Torch fire, I feel as if it needs a little bit of smoke.
For the most part I’d say It’s an amazing GFX and if you keep working like this you can make it big! Thanks from John.
Looks pretty good, like the shadow you added onto his face, good placement there.
Something you could improve on is the lights. You need to add some more detail onto them for example a mist of smoke, or a shadow casting from the lights. Keep up the good work!