Feedback on GFX

So I’ve recently started doing GFX again after not thinking about them for close to a year, and I wondered what people thought of this. (I wanted to blend out the sun rays a bit more but I was on a bit of a time crunch)

Criticism is appreciated.


One thing I have an issue is that the shadows are a little inconsistent from the car casting a shadow and the player not, same goes for the plant.
Id also remove the white overlay unless that’s part of your watermark then i’m cool with it.
I would also open up photo shop or paint . net and add some brightness and darkness layers to bring out the highlights where the sun is hitting and to cast some nice shadows where light isn’t shown.

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Thanks i’ll definitely be trying that tomorrow. ;))

The shadows are a bit inconsistent with the car’s shadows. I don’t know if it’s because of the overlay or something, but the GFX looks like there’s some sort of color overlay thats barely visible. The sun is, shall I say, doesn’t really mix in with the GFX. There isn’t any sunrays, and the character and the car don’t have a shiny glare on them. Overall it’s a really good GFX!

Edit: Also, the background really needs some work. It’s a bit bland as it just looks like some models were thrown in. Add some details like possibly open the garage door and add a car in it, and just to make it look much more lively, you can some more characters in the background. For example, two people walking on the side walk, someone inside the garage fixing the car, and maybe add a car driving by with the passenger having his hand resting on the window frame of the car.

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Ill try to include all of that and upload the improved version ;))

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I think the contrast and brightness are a bit too high it makes the render seem faded but if it’s a creative choice then I have no other critiques, nice job! :purple_heart:

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I like the scenery, but I think you should use shade smooth on your avatar. Your avatar looks like it’s floating, and the colors look bleached.

The house looks pretty great as well. Good job on everything else as well!

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Its really good but the whitish color on the gfx is not good and the character in this gfx is not rendered as smooth

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