Feedback on GFX

Anything i could do better?


That looks great!
The only thing I would improve is the lightning, it seems very bright on the torso and head.

Keep up the great work! :smiley:

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I think this looks really good and clean, however one suggestion is to maybe lower the brightness of the glow. I understand that it’s supposed to be bright, but I think it slightly makes the image a bit over exposed. It’s also a tiny bit hard to read the t-shirt because of that too.

I hope this helps!

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As others have said, the intensity of the glow is quite jutting, so I would try to calm it down. I think what is contributing to that is that the character is also very shiny, so if you were to make it more matte, I think it would turn out better. I also would suggest a different background because the current one is a bit noisy.


Looks great, only things I would to point out is the lighting as mentioned before, and additionally that the right leg seems to be bent awkwardly in my opinion. Otherwise, this is a fantastic GFX.


overall, it seems great. i love the subtle purple elemental effect on the left arm, and how it shows even on the plane placed below the character. color choice is fantastic, blue and pink/purple is also one of my favorite combinations when working with with gfx. however, there are a few flaws that cause your gfx to look less appealing towards the general audience. the main problem is that the exposure is too high. this causes the darker parts to become very bright, and dark parts are usually low quality because cameras cant capture their features well even when rendering. an obvious example of where this problem is present is right in the background; there seems to be an original attempt at creating a dark gray to black gradient. the exposure may have ruined it, making the plane behind the character less clean. the bloom/glare on the character is alright, but it gets ruined by the high exposure as well. try to tune it down in an editing program. any program that has adjustment sliders would be perfect.

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I think it’s great. Lighting could definitely be adjusted but overall really nice. What did you use to render this? Cinema 4d? Blender?

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I am aware about the fact that the lightning is pretty bad. And i use Blender. :upside_down_face:

Wow! This is actually really nice! I love the neon-ish lighting! Cannot wait to see more from you!

Posted a new one just now. :blush:

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