Feedback on GFX

Made this GFX just now. Would like your opinion and feedback to improve :slight_smile:


I… would never be able to do that. I really love it, but the flames and ashes look like they could be rendered a little more.


Thats insane man! how did you make it?


Try brightening and adding more flames and ashes. Also try adding a solid ground so it doesn’t seem like it’s floating. Other than that it looks great!

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well it is supposed to be floating XD thx for the suggestion. I tried your flames/ashes idea and it looks better :slight_smile:

I am not a GFX artist, but this looks amazing! Except the fact that there is a lack of clear flooring, it looks alright.


I really like this art piece. I, myself, do not have the capabilities to make something like this but in the future, I would definitely like to start learning! Good work, keep it up, and hold your motivation high! :slight_smile:

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I really like the design of this. The fire looks awesome and somewhat realistic, I like the render with the shadow thing on the side. I’ll be honest, the only thing I don’t like about it is the font that you used.


A really awesome idea right there! As I’m sure others have said, I’d love to see some bloom effects on the flares and I think something similar on the text would do it very nicely. I think adding a floor and background elements even as minor as walls would really sell the look you are going for.

Keep it up.

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Cool overlay effects, but overall the render is quite dull and should need probably some rim lighting, you could also experiment with an HDRI and change the settings of the exposure and gamma settings. Also, use the cool creations category to ask for Feedback and not the Art and design Support.

Very, very nice. The text has a bit too much drop shadow and the font can get sort of boring. Otherwise, I probably couldn’t do better!

This design is truly amazing, I do believe the text should have been in a different font and a bit more time put into the lighting would improve it by a ton.

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