Feedback on GFX

Hello, I would like feedback on my GFX


It looks fantastic and without a mistake in my opinion

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Woah, that’s incredible.

The only thing that I don’t like is how crude the Roblox avatar looks in comparison to the rest of this scene. :rofl:

Two thumbs up for this masterpiece. :+1::+1:


Really like the plants, how the tree is on the Roblox logo, also love the texturing on it, the only adjustment to make is that if you could pose the character in a different way, make it interacting with the scenery a bit more, and reduce the specular on the character.

Overall, great job!

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ooh, i really love the whole gfx so so much, but here are some things i would fix next time :

  • the character looks like it doesnt fit the environment, try changing up the overall look of textures and try messing with it a little
  • the pose of the character is pretty simple, but you could try using a rig next time since rigs tend to look way better sometimes
  • i dont really know what rendering engine you used, but the lightning looks really sharp and the envirnment is missing some realistic lightning features to it. (bloom, subsurface raycasting, soft shadows, etc…)
  • if you used an HDRI you should try the DOF feature, its gonna look more realistic.

I dont really know if you wanted some of the things that way, but if not then you should try messing with some of the things i said <3

Sincerely, Cloudly

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