Feedback On GFXs And Logos

Hello everyone! I have recently made a few logos and GFX icons and I want to see what I can change about them. Any opinions?



Logos are definitely your strong point! I definitely enjoy your logos a lot more. Are those vectors yours in the first one? I feel like I have seen them before, sorry if they are. The GFX in my opinion needs a lot of work. For starters, your lighting is very flat. The lighting doesn’t fit the whole GFX and the text is bland as well. It’s a bit grainy from the back which I think you did on purpose but I’m not a huge fan of that type of effect. The hood has no shimmer or excitement to it; it’s very flat which comes from the flatness of the lighting. Your logos are well made but I recommend checking out and trying different styles. Both of your logos are very front-page “popular” styles and I think you need something that really stands out and gives your work a signature you! Overall I think your work is great, but experimenting even more can really bring out something else for you that can definitely improve your work a ton.

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Thank you for your input! I really appreciate it. The vectors on the first logo are from GFX comet, They were purchased for $1 at I am slightly new to GFX, and I will improve the more I do them. I overall appreciate your feedback and hope you have a great day/night. Thank you!