Feedback On GFXs And Logos

I’ve been working on a ton of game icons and logos. I would like feedback to see what I can change! Thank you!



Looks very clean and definitely have a lot of skill and experienced.

Well done -TheDevDoge

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Looks good but the Blushes have shadows which is… offputting…

and if you look very closely at the raised hand, its clipping through the arm.

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the logo is nice except the Y and add like a cursor or mouse, first one has goood lighting andcharacter design, blends in nicely, but clothign textures are low res and so are face textures, and the foreground and background is SUPER HIGH RES compared to the person. shadows good too

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Where did you learn to make those logos, shed how did you make the person behind the logo.

The second one looks very clean and so does the first one except if you wanted to you could make “ICEZ” a tiny bit bigger. Other than that great job and keep up the good work!

The avatar design is a little strange, I would suggest using a nicer more pleasing avatar with more expensive Limiteds if you plan on using it for a game.

The logo is pretty nice but the area where the “Y” connects with the “G” is a little strange

Thanks a lot for your feedback! I didnt notice the Y and G touching until you pointed it out, as well, The avatar in the first one was my own avatar that I used to test blender settings.

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