Feedback on "Gold Tycoon" v1.0

So in February of this year, I gave up on a, already 1 month long project because I couldn’t reserve any time to work on it. Now I revisited it, and finally finished it.

Here is the product: >> Gold Tycoon [NEW] - Roblox <<

The game could feel slightly bland, as this is the base release, but future updates will bring further diversity to it.

I ask the DevForum for honest feedback; criticism or compliment. :ok_hand: Thanks!


Its Amazing!
I dont have words

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I appreciate it! What is your opinion on the visuals of the game?

Hey @coreful , after testing the game I think there’s still some room for improvement. The game is pretty easy learn. As I can see, the players are understanding the concept very quickly. It would be nice if there is a small tutorial for players who are still confused. The visuals looks pretty decent and the shadows are a bit too dark in my opinion. The gameplay is a bit stale because there’s not much to do other than earning points and fighting other players in my perspective. I suggest adding some interesting events once and a while.

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Thank you for the in-depth feedback. And yes, within the next few updates, I will add more gameplay expansions to increase player immersion. I’ve already brainstormed certain additions like a server boss fight, a KOTH event in the middle, and possibly an orb capture where you’d steal other players orbs and bring them to your base for currency.

I played the game and it is pretty good. Though no wow factor. Basically why would someone play this, instead of air port tycoon. I suggest adding cool game mechanics and gameplay for a good player experince that will hook players to keep playing.

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I understand that. My biggest “headache” while creating the game was trying to brainstorm content that would want players coming back to play a second time. At the current state of the game, as you stated, there is none. Although I plan on changing that in the future.

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