Feedback on Graphic Design

I recently made this graphic, and I don’t know what to change or if it even looks good.

Any feedback would be welcome!

If interested in getting a graphic design from me: [OPEN] Leeeee111 | Graphic Designer

Thanks and have a good day!

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I feel it looks great! For some group all you would have to do is put their name on the flag and you would be golden. It is a perfect base GFX.

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My only suggestions would be to darken the lines around the edges of the flag. Right now it took me a double take to realize exactly what I was looking at. If you could see exactly where the folds were I think it would greatly improve the graphic.

This was a cloth simulation, so it simulated real cloth and I only have so much flexiablity with changing how the cloth looks.

Still looking for feedback! :)d