Feedback on greek sword

hello you people!today i made a sword,to be more specific,a greek xiphos

thank you for your attention!let me know what you think of it!:sunglasses:


It looks like it would be a great weapon in an adventure game! I like it.

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Looks really good but its looks less like a sword and more of a dagger, try making it a bit longer.

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Really thank u for the feedback,i Will try to fix it!

like this?(sorry for the late response :sweat_smile:)

Greek/Roman swords were historically known to be quite short.

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The sword wouldn’t fit for a realistic game, however it would awesomely fit for a cartoony one! It doesn’t look bad, you can improve it and make it smoother. Keep up the good work and constantly improve yourself!

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I don’t really know how it is specifically greek, but still a good job!

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