Feedback on group icon i made

Hi! Recently made this group icon for Forward’s MSOT 8122. Would be greatly appreciated if you leave some feedback and critique. Thank you!


Here’s some feedback:


I don’t see anything that you could change, although I do see that other person in the middle that could be exposed a bit more? It looks a bit weird (But that’s just me)

Overall, good job!

I can’t find anything wrong with the icon, I think it’s perfect.
The lighting is nice, the trees and foliage is great.

If I saw this icon on a game, I’d play it!

I’d prefer if you had the text completely opaque actually. It has no issues right now but once it’s scaled down to whatever the dimensions for the group icon, it’s gonna be a tad bit difficult to read, at least from my experiences. Other than that, good job

On devices with lower specs, you could try to make the “Forward’s MSOT 8122” stand out a little more, since it could blend in a little too well with the backgorund characters.

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I think it’s great but I can see a bit of noise around the faces and headset.

its not noise just a bit of dirt i added for detail.