For the past few years I have enjoyed making G.U.I (Graphical User Interface) and thought I was somewhat decent at it, Until recently I have tried a new style of G.U.I by rounding some corners. I am curious on everyone’s feedback. It doesnt work its just a G.U.I Concept with no scripting in it what so ever. and this is the only page I have done. I think I have done a good job considering I haven’t done this before and not made G.U.I in over a year. I used no inspiration and it just came to me while I was making parts.
Very smooth and clean, I think it looks great
looks very clean, but it just blends in with every other game’s gui, becoming a generic sea of rounded info boxes and nothing unique
So more colour would look better in your opinion or less rounded?
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just something that isnt generic rounded infobox UI #40000 (something akin to the original xbox’s menus?)
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It also depends on who you ask some people like certain types of ui design etc I appreciate your feedback
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