Feedback on gui

I am currently working on a quick game and have started working on GUI. This is my first time with GUI and I was wondering if you would be able to take a look and give some suggestions on what to improve. It’s for a brawler type game kinda like Fisticuffs. I also aimed for a clean look.

Note: this is a completely separate project from the other ones I posted about.


The GUI tweening is pretty nice and the layout is pretty good but, I’d feel like a transparent black background with white text might make it look more clean? Overall, really nice though. You can try to subtitute the images with viewportframes with the characters performing the move when selected which might make it look nice.


Sorry if I am a little late but I think this is a great first attempt at a GUI, mine was much worse.

I would like to point out that the tweenservice you are using on the GUI is wonderful and I could honestly sit there all day and play with it

First, if you are going for a cleaner style, I would recommend creating a background frame to encompass the UI. This will make the UI look held together and cleaner. When doing this, I would probably go for a dark gray, slightly transparent background and use this plugin on it to make it round, which will also help with a clean look

If you like that, I would also section up the martial arts names under one of these to make it stand out more and feel more connected.




Second, I would try playing around with the border thicknesses of the rectangles. Generally, I would make smaller border thicknesses for the smaller or closer or more detailed stuff. This would add a bit of depth to make it pop out more. Not sure if this would bet he best on this certain UI but it may help

Third, try using not just 2 colors, a black border and a white background. You should use more grays in the design to make it have a little less contrast. If you do this, you should also contemplate changing the font color. Also if you look at the images I had earlier, a little color can really change the way a UI looks. I think if you changed the background behind the martial arts names to really light colors, like I did with the side options, it would look much better.

Fourth, the text could be a little neater. For a clean look I would recommend making the text slightly smaller but then adding a textstroke to it that is a different color than the text to make it stand out more.

Fifth and finally, adding a little transparency to the different elements, especially if you are using my first suggestion, can go a long way.

Thanks for listening to my two cents and goodluck!


Thx I’ll try to implement some of this stuff.

Thx for the feedback too! I’ll see what I can do also

They look like made in low-quality. Try making the border grayer. image