Feedback on guns

so i been working on these guns, ever since i made those star wars guns un my first posts ive been practicing everyday but here is my latest guns


If the second one is a redesign of the first image then, it looks great! The first image was or is too smooth.

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the first one is doom combat shotgun and the second is halo 5 shotgun

man those look really cool im more of a low poly person though

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Looks really good! :+1: How many tris are they?

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You could make modular weapons, just like Call of Duty weapons. Search google for “modular weapons system in game”

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These models look amazing! There is lots of detail, and the shape looks perfect. Although is there supposed to be a trigger for any of the guns? Good work! :+1:

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I made a crosshair I am going to work on making the guns work.


yes most of time i dont make trigger because i forget

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the doom one is 20k and the halo one is 14k, but i exported many parts separately so it does not exceed limit

i havnet actually made a gun for a group or game yet im still practicing

Guns lookin’ hot dude, pretty hot, smoky.

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