Feedback on "HapticService"

There is no link to the replacement Class.HapticEffect.

Cannot find a doc page for the new Class.HapticEffect

Affected URL: HapticService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

Expect to find new docs at following page, but it does not exist:


Thank your for pointing this out.

It is interesting the whole service is deprecated. If you want more info regarding HapticEffect, check this page.

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Thank you. Is there an example of using the new HapticEffect class?

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I tested the following:

	local haptic  ="HapticEffect")
	haptic.Looped = false
	haptic.Parent = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
	haptic.Type   = Enum.HapticEffectType.GameplayExplosion


However this produces the error HapticEffect is not yet available. See HapticService for the current haptics API.

It appears the feature is not yet implemented, and the pages in the docs do not exist.

Perhaps the deprecation warning on the HapticService Docs is premature?

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PR submitted to remove the deprecation notice: Clarify HapticEffect is not out on HapticService deprecation msg by dgxo · Pull Request #1023 · Roblox/creator-docs · GitHub

Edit: Now merged

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The class is still deprecated though? I don’t see the reason to remove the deprecation notice just because the intended replacement isnt yet implemented/documented.

Edit: Thank you for changing the pr to clarify that the replacement is pending, instead of removing the deprecation messaage.

Hi there, thanks for the report; HapticEffect has not been released and we’ll update the documentation at a later date.

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