made a heart icon in photopea (but it is also possible fully in roblox studio if i wanted to do that)
updated design (border added and changed, and also slight reflection.)
btw the text is just for like idk, don’t steal my heart icon
made a heart icon in photopea (but it is also possible fully in roblox studio if i wanted to do that)
btw the text is just for like idk, don’t steal my heart icon
It looks nice, but you could make the heart rounded. like this:
i could. but that is not the style i am going for. i am going for undertale/minecraft style
Would give it a 6/10, make the heart rounded as said above like the emoji. And, maybe change the font of the text.
as i said, i could, but don’t want to.
and the text isn’t part of the heart, or i would definitely change it from dejavu sans
Since you’re going for a more blocky style I suggest making it pixelated and adding some shading and some kind of border.
bruh it is just two frams igive it 0
what do you mean? i respect your opinion, but i asked for feedback, and you responded with:
‘omg such trash lol i make in 2 seconds’
but yes, you are correct. it is simply 6 rectangles.
alright, thanks, but i feel the pixelated style doesn’t fit in, but i just wanted the overall shape.
idid not say anything bad im programer isee you need to skill up more
i strictly asked for feedback, 2 times in a row, and you keep going on a rant about how you’re better and im worse?
I actually really am digging the style! I’m interested to see the final product. Would you DM me once you finish the game? For a suggestion, either add a black border or highlights and shadows. Good Job!
bruh imean you have to post something did not take sec to make
maybe, it was easy to make artistically and design-wise, but that does not mean it’s bad.
There is no way that took two seconds to make. The one you made was, but his actually has a nice style with rounded edges. Besides it’s not really the most important aspect of a game. Also, as a programmer, I find it really frustrating when people underestimate the amount of time it takes to do something, and I think you feel the same, so don’t do it to others.
nice iwill post lot frames in fourm and ask ppl how they looks like ty
i think that the gap in between is too wide, but other than that its good.
also i made it in photopea, not studio, but i see your point.