Hey everyone, I’d like some feedback on a homestore I’m working on. The setting is a sort of abandoned Russian area, with um… an underground bunker and missile silo thing… How’s it look? Also, I apologize for the low graphic quality. My computer is garbage. And, keep in mind, I’m not finished yet. Some spots are still a little empty, lacking details.
holy cow amazing job dude, all I could say is maybe make the lighting colour correlate more to where you are in the map? like topside has more of a orange tinge to the lights and the underground has a blue lighting or white to make it have an industrial feel (not those colours specifically just whatever ones work with the feel your going for)
oooh, yeah. I didn’t really realize that the lights in the tunnel have more of an orange tint. I think it might look better just looking more industrial… or maybe i’ll keep them orange. i kind of like how it makes it look older, after all this is supposed to be more of like, an abandoned area. would make sense for the lights to be very old, and not bright & white… maybe it could do without a few lights. maybe it’d be cool to make some broken ones?
ooo yea maybe good idea, if you are going for an abandoned area I would say yea keep with the tint
your computer is better than mine
this is decent
Idk who you are but this-this is amazing! KEEP GOING
maybe… all of my builds are carried by things like blur, making them look better on 1 gfx level. in the actual game, there’s a film grain filter on the game, making it look even better because it basically makes it look like it’s on level 4 or 5, as well as adding a cool effect, making you feel immersed. i also have an invisible part covering the entire inside of the building that emits these dust particles… makes it feel old and dusty. i see you’re a programmer, but i only recently got on the devforum, and i want to share some of my techniques with other people.
This reminds me of that one mailing warehouse that was featured in one of Adam Sandler’s older movies. I can’t quite think of the name though. Looks great!