Feedback on house in making

I am making a house and I would like feedback on it. Please tell me what I should change so far.


I love the design of the house and the furniture looks real nice. The only thing that is poor is the wood grain. Make sure the wood grain texture is properly oriented to fit the orientation of the part.

The vertical beams should have the wood grain lines running vertically, while the horizontal beams should have the wood grain lines running horizontally.

The slanted railing beam should have the would grain running vertically in the direction of the arrows, not horizontally.

Thanks for the feedback, how shall I go about doing this?

You can use certain Plugins. I personally use MaterialFlip made by stravant

Here’s another plugin that I didn’t know about until now called Fix Wood Grain Direction, mostly positive reviews.

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Thank you, I will go about using fix wood grain direction then I will give you pictures of the finished peice.

Wood grain for these counter tops should go horizontally.

The chair seat wood grain should be vertical.

I think that’s it from what I see, great job!

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I hope this is what you meant! :grin:

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Sorry if I come across as rude but the doesn’t really look like it’s being built . The House you made is all clean with Wood planked floor . It has carpets and doors . Here are some reference images



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