Feedback on icons for my game

Hello, I’m just looking for feedback on some icons I made for a game I’m making. Any comments are appreciated!

MoniIcon-Improved ShopIcon SpectateIcon

Did you draw them by hand? What did you want them to look like?

I made it using Adobe Illustrator, and I was trying to go for a cartoonish yet easy to understand style. I also made them so that they’re still clearly visible even when they’re shrunken (especially the coin)

Now that you say these questions I probably should’ve explained the images more lol

In my opinion, they look quite hand drawn. I would suggest trying to, while maintaining the cartoonish style, make sure that all the dimensions are somewhat mirrored or equal. What I mean by that is that the shopping cart looks like that grid is wonky, and the M in the money icon needs to be a bit brighter and clearer.

But this is just me picking out what it is for me, great icons mate.

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Thank you for the feedback! I’ve never been that good at Illustrator, (and the m is purposefully hand drawn) but yes I’m shamed to admit that I was simply too lazy to align the shopping basket properly. Thanks again!

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I’ve tried to implement your feedback, how does it look?


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I like the shopping basket a lot more, especially without the jagged edges, and the Money symbol looks nice but maybe find a nice font for the M? I’m just cherry picking now idk that’s amazing.

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