Feedback on in-game UI?


Trying to make a minimalist simple design as my previous UIs have seemed to confuse some users.

Ignoring the NVIDIA’s FPS counter occluding the ESC button, how can I improve the topbar? (and any other suggestions you may have).

I need some way to convey that you can press the respective keys (in black and within square brackets), as well as clicking them (for mobile) whilst maintaing a pleasing design? Currently those icons are placeholder, but I’ve tried a few designs myself and can’t seem to get the text size great enough to be legible whilst also maintaining aesthetics?

Thanks, any input appreciated


I’d recommend giving each icon a transparent background, similar to your skill bar (I assume). That way you both zone out a “hit box” for each button (gives the player an idea of where to press on phone) and an area to work with.

Within that grey box in some “white space” (Area that is blank with color) the key texts can slide in much cleaner. This will allow it to not look as cluttered and give a sense of clean, organised UI (It will match the rest of your UI far more this way)

Hope this helped!

I’ll give this a go now - you’re right it should fit in nicely, thank you!

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