Feedback on Indoor Lighting

I’m currently building a lobby and I’m struggling a lot with lighting. The Future lighting settings is great, but it doesn’t light up the ceiling as I expected. As a result, I had to go around and add some Point Lights to light it up. Honestly, I’m not really proud of it, but this is the best I can achieve. I had also added a Color Correction effect so it doesn’t look too bright.

Please let me know if this is good enough and how can I improve it. Thanks!


I think it looks wonderful, well done!


I think you should fix the issue where the location of some lights on the scene that actually produce light doesn’t seem to match the position of the light fixtures.

For the ceiling, you can try using a few large bricks that is about the size and shape of the ceiling and add a surface light facing the top to add some even lighting to the ceiling. Though I think the ceiling looks fine with what you have right now.

Other than that, it looks really good.


I honestly think its too bright in this build. My opinion is that maybe adjust/lower the brightness of the atmosphere and increase the brightness/intensity + range of the point lights.

It should be the lights making the scene bright, not the entire room.


This lighting looks very good! This lobby looks realistic and good with it, nice job on this!


it looks really good and realistic, but a bit too bright in some areas. just my opinion


I had already tried this method. Sadly, it makes the ceiling too bright and it looks very unnatural. Thank you for your suggestion though!

May you please elaborate on what this means? Aren’t the lights supposed to light up the room?

Thank you for the compliments! Is it the glare that’s making it looks bright or it is because of the overall scene?

i think its more the brightness of some lights, not exactly the scene.

I just went around and gave every suggestion a try but nothing seem to work well… I thought it would be a good idea to point of some more details:

  • Whilst I only presented pictures of the lobby, the whole building is actually two stories tall.
  • There are also outdoor scenery.

Here are four things that shouldn’t be changed in my opinion:

  • Ambient: This would ruin the outdoor scenery.
  • Technology: I’ve been working with the street lights and exterior lights with this lighting technology, changing it to ShadowMap for anything else would ruin it. Additionally, the game won’t look as spectacular as with Future.
  • Atmosphere: I had tried to play around with the settings but it does not seem to help brightening up the ceiling.
  • Disabling lighting shadows: This will just make the lighting spreads out too evenly and it will be unable to highlight any details.

On a side note, I had tried to place Point Lights at some places to brighten up the ceiling, but they create too much lag and things look very weird.

One more problem that I had also encountered is that the more light I have, the more lag it creates. I’m currently running on an i7-13700K core with RTX 3070Ti and sometimes my FPS drops to just above 20.

Any help is appreciated!