Feedback on Inflatable Playground Game

I spent the last few days working on this Bounce House game, it’s a relatively simple exploration game with a Scavenger Hunt built in (find 15 students for reward).

Game Link: [🍎FIELD TRIP] Bounce House 🚩 - Roblox

Now, I’ve had over 30,000 people in the game over the past few days, and there’s not too many staying around long enough to affect my game positively, seems like average playtime is around 2-4 minutes, but it’s difficult to tell with early analytics.

The park features a handful of slides, multiple towers, two easy-medium difficult obstacle courses, and a Splash Zone that is unlocked after 1,000 seconds of playtime.

It really feels like similar (younger audience) exploration games don’t have as much going as mine does, in the sense of a unique exploration game, especially regarding Inflatable Playground games, mine is just better quality, straight up.

What am I missing? Any ideas? Does the atmosphere throw you off from playing for too long? Is it the surrounding environment? Is it the spawn location? Is it a lack of things to encounter and interact with? Is the timed Splash Zone demotivating? Are rewards not being shoved in people’s faces enough?

One improvement I know I need to make is an introduction GUI that explains finding the 15 Students for the free reward, and fixing the Badge Award at 15 students found. I’ll get to both soon, but I’m just taking a step back right now because I’ve been GRINDING. lol.

Thank you for any and all feedback!

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