Hello! I am TheGuyThatScripts. My friend and I need feedback on this airport we made. I am going to sell it when it’s finished as well and I’m wondering what it’s worth.
you should add some planes and make the building bigger
Yes, as @Flauschi_XD said, the building is a bit small. If you want pricing, I’d put it at about 500 R$ at it’s current state. Take that with a grain of though. I know nothing about prices
Currently it is worth about 750 robux. You should definitely make it bigger.
Thank you for all your advice. I’ll expand the airport. This is only terminal
A. @Flauschi_XD, I would make airplanes although they are hard so that might be the last thing I do in the airport.
Hello developer has a great construction just making lack little bigger in my opinion is a great job
Make sure to expand the build a lot, right now it’s very small. Another thing you should start on is an aerodrome. One last thing to do is lighten the mood in the airport, I’d suggest adding little shops and maybe some restaurants. Also no one can really give you an accurate price right now, due to the airport build barely beginning.
It’s worth around 500-600 to me. I like the structure but it needs to be WAY more detailed and needs more effort.