Feedback on Intro

Heyo, made this quick intro for my game based off Legacies.

I would like to have constructive and useful feeback on this as I’m not the best designer and want to make it look much better.

Rain drops code took from boatbomber. Not mine. CameraShake too is OpenSourced.


Overall it’s good but I recommend you should learn how to use the camera and stuff.


It’s very good in my opinion, I’d suggest changing the background to be darker, since it looks like it’s daytime on the left side.

Is the lightning making it look like daytime? So I should just make the lighting darker for that more night time feeling? How about the GUIs? Do those look nice? I’m not a UI designer so I know what I did is pretty bad.

Nah, I think the UI is fine.
What I meant is that the light blue sky on the left side of the screen doesn’t give off that evening feeling. Cover the middle and right of the screen, and you’ll see what I mean.
It’s not significant, but still noticeable.

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Your only 14 making this very good quality stuff keep it up man seriously!

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