I would like some feedback on the island shown in the picture.
There is not a lot to say. The right side of the island is a bit too tall to match the left, I recognize the trees and grass from a kit, the rocks are good but too mashed together and it doesnt look natural and the waterfall is a plugin. I would make the island smoother and a lot larger as right now it’s quite boring and doesnt have much to it. hope this helped
Some things you can improve:
- I can tell you are using free models
- Island terrain seems super weird and jagged.
- Waterfalls look way too jagged and skinny, and seem out-of-place.
- The lack of sand, mud, and/or sand at the base makes the island seem out-of-place.
I would recommend adding other islands out in the water so it could look more interesting at the moment, leaving one island in the water will get kinda boring and pretty plain. However, I would try adding more height or possibly expand the island the waterfall seems to be coming from nowhere. I would suggest placing a little ledge, and rocks on the island where the water would come out of the island as seen in the real world.
Placing a few bushes or plants to make it more lively. You shouldn’t just place trees and that’s all, however things such as shrubs or other variety of trees could add a lot in terms of variety to your island the open view feels empty throw a few islands or rocks to make it better, try improving your island a bit more I know adding more objects will improve it.
I really don t like how that Waterfall looks,I kinda like the rest tho
The terrain is strange, the trees are far too small for the size of the ground. The waterfall looks weird and unnatural. The rocks just look copied and pasted, which is not a bad thing, but you definitely should try and make it look better and some of the stuff is weirdly placed. The design is boring and you should consider making it more realistic by adding Sun Rays, and Blurs.
The terrain and waterfall look unnatural. The hill on the right of the image is very high and the rocks look out of place. Also, the waterfall is very thin. There are free models on the island too, which I wouldn’t suggest using if you’re going to publish this as a game.
Look cool! The detail and design is great.