Feedback on "Isquad" Game Menu

This is the game menu for a horror game I have worked on is there anything to add to it?
It feels pretty finished to me but I want to see what you think of it.
Here’s the game link if you want to take a look.


I think the menu looks super nice, but the “Are you ready” buttons looks a bit weird. It might be just me though.

Great! Just one problem…

How is anyone supposed to find the game?

Oh yeah. I forgot that those characters only appear on the website. Let me fix that.

Edit: Realized it was private… Fixed now!

The menu looks really cool. My feedback is to remove the period after Isquad, because I don’t think a game title would require a period. Having the period there makes it look less dramatic.

I got this message when I clicked the yep button.

I’m on mobile.

Yeah, that will teleport to the game when the game finishes. Private for now.

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