Feedback on Item Icon designs

Title says it all.These are some (i have not finished all of them) icons for items about a fantasy game.
Any feedback appreciated.

These are all inspired by Elden ring’s item designs,changed slightly for the things I have in my game.

Fire pot,a projectile that you throw and explodes into said element dealing specific element damage.

Lightning pot,same as fire pot now dealing lightning damage.

Glowing herb,a medicinal plant that when consumed increases resistance to magic based attacks.


Looks awesome!

For the fire:

  1. The fire itself doesn’t look great and doesn’t match with the thing.
  2. The texture of the fire itself and the color doesn’t matching either.
  3. The thing could use more design or texture.

For the Electric:

  1. Same problems as the fire.

For the leaves:

  1. The smoke should be slightly more to the green side, like the leaves to kind of mix.
  2. The electricity itself should be less in quantity, but more in quality.
  3. Leaves could use some shading.

Over all, GOOD JOB!!! these looks awesome and a few tweaks would make them PERFECT in no time. Goodluck!


I agree with @SMUSH21, a fix for this would be making the pot more cartoonish

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I’m not exactly sure why but these icons look oddly nostalgic to me. Reminds me of the flash games we used to play back in the good ol’ days.

Now I would probably agree with the fact that the icons look quite outdated for 2022 as minimalism is something that is currently in the trend, but that really depends on the project they are being used for.

If you could include the images of your project with the icons being used in it, that would greatly help me better understand their purpose. Otherwise it’s almost like trying to read a book without even opening it.

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The objects themselves look great but like what @SMUSH21 said, the effects do not match the items. It’s like having a bucket of water for a weapon, then adding fire on it for effect.


They look ok, but pretty low quality.

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