Feedback on Judgement Hall

Hi! I’m The Build Guy, and I’ve just replicated the “Judgement Hall” from Undertale in Roblox. Do you think there’s anything that can be improved on?

(Also the Sans is an old model so it’s not the best.)


Old Replication

New Replication


the window is…
too short and unnatural|

and also:

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Feedback yes

1. * The proportion of the replica and the reference is a lot different, in the reference the judgment hall is much taller
2. * Light should be coming through the window and not from the inside

3. * Your scene needs more contrast like the reference, you can do that easily with colorcorrection,
insert colorcorrection through lighting, then change the contrast according to the reference

4. * Lighting can be improved with pointlight and setting them colors like orange, dark red, and such
to give more atmospheric feeling

5. * the pillars in the replica image should be as tall as the rooves

you should have godrays coming through the window, solution is using this plugin:Databrain's Volumetric Lighting Plugin V1.1 - Roblox

  1. I have chosen to keep the hall the same height, as it seems accurate. It’s hard to read pixel art sometimes.

  2. I tried making the effect of it coming from the window, but it seems it didn’t really work out, I’m fixing it. I’ll say when I updated the place.

  3. I have done that, but I’m working on multiple things at once in this, and so it’s not updated yet.

  4. I feel that would ruin the effect of the light coming from the windows.

  5. The physical pillars are the same height, but I noticed there’s a top part and will be adding that.

  6. (Your Edit) I tried using that plugin but the results looked quite fake, I did remember a model I had though, that was the same thing, but using attachments and beams. That will be updated soon.

@MeshUploader101 @hienlong_phan

I have updated the hall, I feel it looks much nicer, thank you for the feedback!

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I have ANOTHER problem

hall is too small.

a Roblox dummy tall 4 stud

the hall height

then if sans in Undertale tall 4 studs too then:

(20 stud I guess)
sorry if this reply is too dumb but everything else is really great ^^

(u should add dust partical)

I feel like that’s the distorting of the pixel art, you can’t perfectly represent 2D in 3D, especially when pixelated. I feel like the current height is pretty accurate, could be a bit taller, but it feels unnecessary.

Your image would be more accurate to 3 sans’, if you didn’t duplicate him on the floor, like the floor was the wall.

i did mention that problem but ok