Looks nice you could add more tools on table so it looks busy
you could adjust the lighting a little bit it because it is dark
Too much grey, add some more colors!
The green chemical can be a transparent neon, I don’t think anyone would put their papers right next to the sink;
Lab equipment too repetitive, (make some missing, rotate some, make sure they aren’t in a straight line)
Add different types of chemical bottles in here, (some with liquid in them.)
Pretty good besides that.
I would improve on the lighting and make it brighter. Skybox should be changed and I agree with what @SchwarzWalde said. Too much grey, let’s see some bright colors
A little blocky but pretty good. The flasks and tubes and what not seem like the glass is too thick. Otherwise nice.
It looks great! Here are a few suggestions :
–Suggestions about detail.
I’m unsure on whether you are going for a realistic look or a more low poly, blocky, simplistic look but if you’re going for a realistic look you could add more detail to these taps:
Maybe add some cupboards bellow the benches:
You could add a door handle to this door:
I’m not sure if you meant it to be like this but the floor tiles look a little off here:
Maybe make one stack of papers taller or stacked differently so it doesn’t look like an exact copy to the other stack:
I think the windows might look a little better if you did something like this:
Currently the inside of the sink shows the colour of the bench. In my opinion it should be a more dark grey metal colour:
–Suggestions about how to make the scene look more interesting.
Like @SchwarzWalde There is too much grey. If you want to keep the main building grey you could add more items like test tubes with different colour liquids in each or a broken test tube that is leaking over the table to add more colour.
Maybe add some different things on the shelf to make stuff more interesting:
Maybe add a trolley or bin like the one in your reference picture to make the scene more interesting:
You could add more things to the wall like this clock in the reference image you provided:
Don’t make all of these green, maybe make some of them different colours to look more interesting:
Maybe add some fire sprinklers to the roof.
Maybe add some other equipment.
I hope some of this helped. It’s a great build so far! Keep up the good work
Your “Lab Facility” looks very amazing and very detailed, i think you have done a great job on it.
overall great your. Comparing a (real life lab) it looks very decent however! There seems to be a couple of things, you could add/change on your lab to look more better! And to bring it out more i’ll. Add different colors to your lab instead of. Having the whole inside part one grey color.
Lab Facility
Your “Science Lab” looks detailed and amazing, but there seems to be no color/texture added on the counters and the walls ect. I would add some white, colors to the walls, cabinets, to look more better. As most labs have different colors added to it! As well try adding those black material counter tops known as a Edge Bench Top, as that’s used for work surface such as chemicals, heat, water, microbes, ect. As showed below you could see that the counter tops have a steel material to it so, it could be used for there work. I would recommend you add other colors, to your lab so it could look more decent! Try doing that just to give it a little more. Details so it could look more like a lab!!
Most labs have textures onto the floor, counters, walls, faucet, sinks, ect. As the reference you’ve showed above you could see that! The material they use on the floor is a “Gray Black Spot Marble” i would recommend you add, that to the floor so it won’t look plain. Or you could add a carpet as well just to give it some decoration to it, and as i said above try adding different. Colors to your lab so it could look more, better and i would remove the Grey Porcelain tile flooring. Part as most labs don’t have that kind of floors that’s mostly in kitchens, houses, stores, as you can see below try adding the black! Bench top to your lab instead, of the grey counter top.
Reference Texture/Material
Know i see you added the Glass Flask, Beaker Tube Vase, to your lab. I would just add different colors to them, like green, yellow, orange, purple, blue, ect. Just try adding those inside your lab glass flask. So it could look more better, instead of having them wall green! Overall you have done a decent job, on your lab here is a couple of decorations. You could add to your lab so it could, be improved a little more!!
- Hanging Lights
- Pictures Air Vents
- Security Cameras
- Emergency Button
- Trash Can
- Zoom Stereo Microscope
- Parallel Surveyor
- Amalgam Mixer
- Handheld Digital Microscope
- Safety Glasses
- Flame Butane
- Steel Cart
- Blue Plastic Buckets
- Dental Vibrator
Overall, you have done a incredible job on your “Lab Facility” the equipment i listed above is what labs need so they could use for there work. However you don’t have to add, all of the things i said above you could just use some! Of the equipment can’t wait to. See more of your work very soon great job!!