Feedback On Large Map (Empty, Part Count?)

Hi guys, me and a couple buddies recently made a large map. I dunno about you, but it feels empty and lacks engagement - but part of the reason for it’s emptyness is because we had to cut down on part count to reduce lag.

So, how can I improve it?




Nice map! In my opinion, I think what’s lacking isn’t buildings but smaller objects - maybe trashcans, cars, animals, NPCs?

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Thanks for the feedback, I will take these ideas into consideration!

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Looks good but a lot of minor details are missing… the terrain looks bland, maybe add some grass models to make it interesting. One thing tht will help a lot is looking at references. Check out real life city pictures and look at the minor details like trash cans, streetlights, benches etc and try to fill up the blank spaces. Thts all i hav to say. This build has tons of potential and i wud love to see the final outcome.