The GFX looks lame, you should improve the lighting and more effect. The black rock looks very bad, it’s low poly and looks like only has a black texture.
You should add more detail like more people or gun or fire or smoke or plane or tank or blablalbalbalbalbalblblba.
I would recommend adding more soldiers, tanks, effects (e.g, Explosions, Gun fire flare, ect), Vibrance, and better textures on the rock.
Also lower the amount of blur as these objects seem rather close meaning they shouldn’t need to be blurred so harshly.
military in london? why? lighting doesn’t match all the supposed smoke and fog there should be, character’s accesories are like SHINY, posing is ok, but why is there a giant metorite in the middle of the street? it’s alright, but practically, the design doesn’t make sense