So I’ve made this loading screen UI concept and I would like to see what do you guys think about it.
Is that a concept for Roblox or for your game?
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Its for my game, however as I said it is just a concept.
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Will your game title have the same font?
also, what goes in the placeholder?
It looks cool but it looks like it’s for the small square screen on a flip phone.
most screens are rectangles, will it look different for those? If so, how will you scale the UI elements?
(I would swap the “Powered by Roblox” and the “100%” but that’s just my personal preference)
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The “placeholder” i was thinking of making it one of those messages that are in beta/alpha versions of a game saying stuff like “The game is still in beta, many things are subject to be changed.” something along those lines.
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