Feedback on Lobby for an Anime Tower Defense Game

I am currently making a Lobby for an Anime Tower Defense game. I am trying to incorporate many elements from different animes into a single lobby. I am also not a modeller or builder so I have made this map mainly using Asset Packs and Free Models. Any feedback would be helpful to help improve my skills.


It’s beautiful but quite messy. I don’t know what to really say about it…
Maybe a low poly terrain lobby would be better?

Really cool! I wish I could make such a cool game!

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Quite congested, I wouldn’t add or remove anything just give the objects more space apart

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Its amazing how far a game can go with free models. I like how most Anime games have a cartoon theme to them and I am a major fan of cartoon themed games. Keep up the great work!

Thank you, I was also surprised how good the lobby was only from free models!

I am really bad with Roblox terrain, so Low Poly terrain wouldn’t really work.

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I think the reason why is so congested is because of the animal bones, I am planning on removing them and adding a water fountain there instead.


No! The free bones are very good! You should just make the lobby bigger, with terrain and something to play with like obby

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I don’t believe an obby is necessary due to the fact that it is for a Tower Defense game.

Indeed it is, in case someone gets bored with TDs he can play with an obby or tik tac toe with a friend for a free badge, that’s really cool

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