Feedback on Lobby

I’ve been working on this lobby but I’m not sure what to add to it. My goal is to make the player feel small. However, I don’t want to leave too much empty space.

I’m very new to 3D modeling so any and all feedback is welcome!

Here is the game in case you want to see it for yourself!


I like it but in my taste it seems a little bit empty, don’t know if you think the same.

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Yeah I agree! I think I should add more to it but, I don’t know what to add.

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As you made a table, maybe you could add some cutlery, plates, drinks/bottles and a vase with flowers? Just some ideas. :smile:



That’s probably the only thing I can think of to make the the picnic table not feel empty, adding just a couple of food decorations would be nice :slightly_smiling_face:


Its pretty good for a beginner! But there are some stuff I would add. First of all the lobby just doesn’t seem alive, all the colors are dull and not that bright. Also you should add borders so they can’t jump out of the lobby and add more tiny decorations such as plants and stuff.

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Your design is pretty good but in my opinion, it is bland.

I suggest adding some grass along with other types of vegetation. Which would include bushes, flowers, trees, etc.

For the picnic table, I’d recommend adding a vase with flowers and some simple dishes.

Besides those two things, your build looks pretty good. Keep up the great work.


I would suggest using smaller scale decorations in the middle to fill up that space. I would also suggest using smooth shading on the jar decoration things- as they look pretty awkward without smooth shading.


I don’t know what smooth shading is. Can you please explain it?

So basically- You know how you can clearly see each face of your jar meshes? Smooth shading makes it so that you dont see each face, and it looks “smoother”.

This is where the option to shade smooth is.

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That makes sense. Thank you for showing me!

Like the others have said, it’s boring and bland. The environment is. The Top Players board is not matching to the game’s style.
The items on the table are colored but they dont stand out, kinda like the same model. The ground can use some dents to make it look better. There could be more objects such as:
Soda Cans
A basket with fruits.
Some food. A plate maybe.
Add a color theme to the game. Especially the top Players board.
Great Idea.

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It, seems empty

Pretty cool! For the Jar Models, I suggest learning how to Mark Sharps and Smooth Shade! If you are using Blender to model these, here is a quick tutorial on how to do so!


In order to achieve smooth edges and a smoother look to your model, contrary to the Low Poly look, Smooth Shading is an amazing additive to your model. It allows you to make things like edges look smooth and fluid. Marking Sharp Edges does the opposite of this. Although, when using both of these together, magic may be created!!

How to Mark Sharps

In order to mark your Sharp Edges, it is important to first understand what they are and how they work. In my interpretation, sharp edges are the edges that are chosen to be actually sharp. The marking process may come before or after you have smooth shaded, and Auto Smooth enables the feature.

How to Mark Sharps:

For your specific Model, smooth shading may be implemented in order to make the bottom and sides look smoother. Although, if you just use smooth shading, your edges will look wonky.

In order to mark sharps on the model above, select the edges that you want to be sharpened, then ctrl + e > mark sharp! Displayed below, is what I suggest marking sharp.


The edges highlighted in red, are to be Marked Sharp.

Before finalizing your sharps, firstly Smooth Shade, then on the right lower tab of your Properties in Blender, Select the Green Triangle > Normals > Auto Smooth > Enabled to 180 Percent.

Below, I will also be linking a visual tutorial on how to Mark Sharps!

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Thanks for adding onto my reply lol! I never even knew about mark sharps, which is interesting.

Try adding a table cloth and some actual stuff, right now it feels like its filled with jars? maybe an obby in a bowl of soup and a crouton ball pit, just something to both keep players engaged but also keep with the theme

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I’ve been working on the lobby for a bit and I wanted to show you guys some of the changes I’ve made!

I applied the smooth shading and sharps to the jars and added some decorations to the overall lobby.

I still need to make some changes to the Top Ten boards and the teleport zones but, there’s definitely progress!

robloxapp-20210423-2342287.wmv (5.4 MB)
(The video shows some more details)

I suggest google image “Picnicking” and model a picnic on the table. Model based on the pictures. You would be an ant in the table lobby. I think that would look better.

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It looks amazing! I would suggest to add some napkins and maybe one of those iconic picnic patterned tablecloths

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Yes!! It looks better!! I love how the Jars look. :slightly_smiling_face:

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