Feedback on Lobby

The picture below is a screenshot of a project I’m working on of a futuristic, Agent-themed game. I made this lobby a few years ago, but I still think things are missing/things can be improved.

From the screenshots, what could I improve to make the lobby better? And what things should I add, to fill up the empty space? Any suggestions/feedback?


The build is beautiful it kind of gives me the older roblox kind of vibe but at the same time it is very modern. I think you did very well on everything but I think that the neon blue could be dimmed down a bit but besides that everything looks amazing!


Wow, this lobby looks VERY good! I think there’s a bit too much neon blue for my liking, but otherwise, nice job on this!

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looks really good but it could be a bit darker but it besides that it looks amazing!

Besides the already mentioned protentional improvements, I believe you did an amazing job on this build.

In my opinion, some ways you could improve it are using some type of billboard or fun design to fill up wall space, or adding some type of either interactable or moving objects so users have something to do while waiting in the lobby.

:boom: Happy Building! :boom: