Feedback on logo and thumbnail art

Hello, I’ve just recently created new a new icon and thumbnails for the next update of my game “Control Gravity”, and I’d like your opinion on how they look.

Also, I struggled with the backround of the logo, so if you think it doesn’t look good, please tell me what I should put as the backround instead! I tried putting it as space, but it looked really bad, so then I approached this instead. I dont fully like the backround, but I think it still looks good. Anyways, here are the images:

Feel free to leave suggestions!


Se ve interesante, puede que llame la atención del jugador. se ve lindo, pero como cualquier cosa, la puedes mejorar pero esta bien asi…

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Gracias, no estoy segura de si realmente lo cambiaré, y puede que no.

aun a si es un buen trabajo :+1:

You should bend the legs and arms a bit better so it just doesnt like a stiff puppet. Second the logo seems a bit big and doesnt really fit well with the render. And third of all try to add more props it looks very plain.