Feedback on logo design (First time)

Polywars 2 [1]
Polywars no back [2]

The first one is like for server icon e.t.c.
The second one is for like in-game logo.

Personally I think the “By” is a bit too high…

  • Both look good!
  • Both look bad! (Why?)

0 voters

Other information:
This is for the game Polywars made by @Megalodox_Official


not really a fan, it looks too businessy/minimalistic - doesnt look a very much of a fun logo
looks like you made the logo using them free logo generator sites

it is businessy its suppose to be a serious logo not like a happy kind of logo. But hey thats just your opinion.

I do agree that it doesn’t fit a Roblox game very much, even though it does look nice.

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yes, i do agree that the ‘by’ is a little too high, but these look nice. good job.

i just noticed fundamentals is misspelt

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They look good but it’s too formal for a a game.