Feedback on Logo

Hey there, I’d love to see the opinions on my most recent logo from my Twitter


The logo is very nice, but I would suggest you to add some more detail like add a crowbar or a bandit mask. Other wise very nice! :smiley:


I totally agree with this, it’s good, but it needs some extra’s :smiley:


I also agree, it needs like picture / logo to spice up that logo ;-;

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It’s really good but I agree with the others, you should definitely add a crowbar or a mask or something to spice it up a little more. Other than a few more details, you did great!

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I agree with the other people who have replied the logo and text is very cool but I feel it needs a picture in there like a thief mask or weapon.

All I recommend is to fix this weird squared cutoff near the ends of the image. I also agree with the comments above. Looks a little plain. Definitely great though!

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That’s the glow behind the Text. It’s broken and there’s no way for me to fix it. I won’t be using that style again for previews but thanks for your response to help!! :blush:

The text looks clean, was this done on PS?

Keep adding to it with some images and play around!

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This was done on, Ibis Paint X. I have gotten more used to the software BUT at that point I only used the software for like 1 month and wasn’t used to the shading and settings.