Feedback on logo

Hi. Can someone give feedback on my game logo?Fiksavimas

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The logo doesn’t really show what the game is about or what you would be doing in it, perhaps if you made the text smaller and turned the blur down

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Maybe you should try rendering in blender or Cinema 4D, since it gives you a more professional look. Plus, it will be much more appealing then a photo in studio. You dont have to use this feedback, this is just my take on things. Hope the game does well! :+1:

Not much feedback could be said since it looks like you add a font design and slapped a background image and that’s all.

Consider putting more effort into your logo to give players a thought on what your game is or about include players in the background controlling the map using buttons or different equipment try making it more interesting and attractive to players to come across this.

It’s not bad but if you want to improve the quality of the logo there’s a bunch of ways to go about this include characters pressing buttons or missing around with equipment to control the map it needs to be more interesting in order to gather players intention. It looks very bland, especially the font”.

I’d recommend producing different colors of text or try not making the background blurry add a more sharper version. Consider putting more effort into your logo if your wanting to make it more attractive and interesting to players.