Feedback on logo

Once again been working on Left Behind, and a while ago I have made a logo, actually just added a symbol and small text to center…
First version

final version

Gif mode


I really like that. I love the colours and overall design. I would just say that the yellow can come a bit dazzling so maybe go for a darker yellow or maybe ad a background to contrast


Woah that’s really cool! I especially love the cracked zombie one and the GIF, keep up the excellent work! :+1:

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Looks really good! I love the texture!

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The logo looks pretty alright, it has a clean don’t and design implemented to it. However the material - color you’ve chosen for the final result looks a little off in my opinion. I’m going to assume you added some sort of texture on the rusted area because there seems to be a transparent blue line across the area, perhaps color around that so it’ll match the background of the image.

While it’s a clean design, but if your wanting that sort of style you should try making the rusted material more clearer and remove the blue faded line around the corner of the logo.

That’s really nice! I love the rusting broken design you made. I also really like the glitch animation.

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Second Version is a big big improvement.

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I am not sure how to remove it :confused:

I think the overall design is really cool! Especially the gif version.

I’d say to make the beginning of the gif a darker yellow so it’s easier on the eyes, but like I said before, this is awesome! :smiley:

Thanks, it is meant to be kinda neon.

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I’d say maybe you can bring down the yellow a little bit because it’s pretty bright. Other than that, I think it looks really good!