Feedback on loot box icons

The little images are the icons. Please lemme know if they look to weird or if there’s something that could be done better


this is a very intersting concept but i do have a few suggestions.

  1. i think you should make all the images look similar, right now they’re quite random and each make the rest look a bit out of place.

  2. i think you should change the image animations, maybe use a different tweening style because as of right now it looks quite laggy and rigid. also consider adding a delay between each one (make the one of the far left the fastest and the one on the far right the slowest), this is a personal suggestion i think would look cool

apart from that everything looks good, keep it up!

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How do cuz I was trying my best to AVOID this, other than the question mark box how so?

These loot box icons look very good and great! Nice job on them! How long did it take to make them? What will you use this for? I rate them 9/10!

There all different items and here’s a better visualization of it

Zoom in at the bottom btw

Took me wayy to long for all but that’s cause it was my first time using any image editing software so yeah… around a few days to find the right stuff but after I figured it out it took me like 7 minutes each before this I had like 7 other icons that looked trash

I’ll be using them for my game ZJENGA as for the icons in inventory shop and loot boxes

they actually dont look bad tbh i think my main issue was with the icons being different sizes.

also can you link ur game when its playable because it actually looks quite interesting.

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it is trust

i see what u mean before it comes out ill change that thank you!

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Now this is pure gambling :money_mouth_face:
ok but like why


Dw it’s in game you most probably won’t find loot boxes in shop but idk