Feedback on Low Poly Building

Oh yeah btw this is a shop sorry for not responding sooner


It’s ok, no problem My friend
or if you like you can put small trees next to the door


Ah, I see. Thank you for explaining, I think you can add much more to make it look better, since you’re going for a low-poly shop then try making different shapes are probably add a sign to it I believe adding small details for the main building would also give you something great. In a few images most shops have plants out front by the building do a lot. Maybe add a simple bench, tree to the side, small plants. They’ll all add that welcoming feel to it.

Add more decorations such as a store sign. Somewhere on the building I’ll try removing the windows on the side of the shop since that’s not really needed in my opinion overall hope you keep improving it.


Honestly, the style looks great,
Though your architecture should have some designs because a two-floor, square-looking, building makes it a little bit, dull-looking.
I would also suggest you make your Low Poly building to have more floors to make it looks like a nice building.
Overall, the design of your creation is good, and the colors fits well for it’s design.

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