I absolutely LOVE your style! It’s great!
Thank you very much! Do you think I should add anything else to the build?
Fantastic! I love it! All it needs is a small garden of flowers in the front of it and It will look 10 times better!
Alright i’ll try that thanks!
Stick out the white rooftop will make it look better
you want me to make it the roof top bigger?
stick out a bit, but not too big.
Like this?
It looks quite good, however the shape of it is kinda square looking, to be critical though, you could probably add more variety of shapes instead of a blocky approach to make it not so square and give it more detail I feel like you should remove some of the windows so a door can be placed onto the (building), it could use a more proper roof I’ll try changing the color to a more grey color the white isn’t looking good IMO. There could be more items on it such as vents, signs, ect.
Can you possibly add more information in your post like what did you create a store, shop, building?
I would recommend adding some detail to the top (roof) such as vents, or something that looks good to you so the roof won’t look plain I think that will add a nice touch to your design since this is your first or second low poly design. I believe it could use some improvements you could possibly remove the strokes on the windows. They look a little bit out of place, I personally would make them small or just remove them entirely and just have it simple.
I would recommend messing with color correction or the brick color, as it currently looks a bit dull to me.
there’s nothing wrong with the color i think, it’s just the lighting that effects the look.
Your construction is very good, but I would suggest putting brick decoration as you did on the first floor below, however this gives it a more realistic touch and I also recommend putting some bushes like flower pots
I hope you take up these recommendations for your construction, Good luck
The small minor improvements looks better than the original.
However, I still think that the roof could be better. Try moving the vent in the right side corner instead of placing it in the middle the door seems placed in a weird area I feel like you should use some reference images so it could help you with getting the full design of a low poly build. Focus on the detail of the building first, like improving the building, however I can’t give that much suggestions since I don’t know what kind of build your creating. Try to create more shapes to the building instead of having it basic.
I love how different you have been with your low poly meshes. For example, I have NEVER seen that kind of glimer on the windows before, excellent work. Keep on making!
Thank you very much! Means a lot to me
I will thank for your input! where do you think I should put the flower pots?
under the windows but mainly the ones above where it will give them a nice touch