Feedback on "Low Poly" Pickaxe I was asked to model

Hey all,

What do you think of this Pickaxe I made for one of my client’s games? What can be improved upon? More importantly, how much should I ask for a model like this? I am being paid 500 R$, is that fair? I built this in blender.

Pickaxe Capture
Pickaxe Capture 2.PNG


It looks amazing, although the textures and colours could be given a bit more thought.
I like it, although a bit darker coloured one would look better.
The top of the pickaxe should be polished further more.
Good job :+1:

Ask for more! A picaxe of that quality for ONLY R$500?! Ask for at least R$700. I love the pickaxe and wouldn’t change a thing.

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I think that the pickaxe looks quite nice! I feel like R$500 is a good price to be paid for that kind of model, especially if you can make other models of a similar sort and get paid R$500 per.

Some work could possibly be done on the way the character holds the pickaxe, or its size in relation to the character. However, the best person to ask for feedback from is the client, as they should know best what look they want for their game and for the model.

That definitely looks really good, though I can’t do something like that. I’d think 500 robux isn’t that much for such a high quality asset. I feel the pickaxe could personally be just slightly shorter, but it looks amazing overall.

Overall, it looks great! Definitely realistic with the chips in it and the stone being slightly crooked on either end, and then the colors kind of balance it with a cartoony look. It kind of reminds me of the pickaxes from Islands, but a bit different.

Anyways, 9/10 for me! God bless, and great job!

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