Feedback on Low Poly Scenery

Greetings Travelers. Recently I created this scenery and I would love some feedback on how I could improve on my blender skills and my lightning.


The theme I’m going for the lightning is a sunset. On top of the lightning how can I improve on my terrain?


It’s actually really good, just put more detail on the road, and it’ll look amazing!


Thank you. Do you have any suggestion of what I should add to the road?

Really nice. If its going for the dirt road feel maybe add some small rocks to the road.

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This honestly looks amazing. The only thing to point out is that the road looks empty.

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I like it, maybe you can add some signs or broken down huts, always interesting to do in blender and make work well with a mostly nature scene if you’re looking for practice.


Your “Low Poly Scenery” looks very amazing, i like how you added the dirt road and vegetation to the place to look more better, as well the details. That’s implemented to your scenery is really decent! However there is a couple of things i’ll add to your low poly, scenery so it could look. More detailed and improved a lot more overall. You have done a decent job on your, low poly scenery and i think it looks really amazing!

Low Poly Scenery
Looking at your perfect scenery it looks very detailed, and decent however there could be a couple of other details implemented to your scenery! As the style your going for it looks really good however you could add some wooden huts, ponds, lakes, slow gravel signs, no traffic signs, ect. Try adding some signs on the side of the road. With some grass coming through the road part so it could look more, improved as that’s what mostly dirt, roads have on the road part! Try adding one of those to the road part. So it won’t look plain they have rocks, grass, plants, leaves, ect. Coming through the road or on, the side of the road you could always try adding. Some more vegetation to the dirt road area and the land! Part could use some details to it i would. Recommend you add some houses, broken down huts, logs, shacks, worn down benches, ect. Just to give your scenery some! More details to it as that’s what most scenery, have depending on the style scenery your going for i know, these details would look great to the. Land area just to fill it up some more!!

So i see you added some vegetation, to the terrain and it look really good. However there could be a bit more if you plan on adding some i’ll add some bushes, logs, flowers, plants, rocks, wooden benches, lakes, broken gates, wooden houses, ect. That’s what your scenery needs i would recommend you add some of those details to yours so it could look more better and your scenery doesn’t need that much vegetation overall i would add different styles of trees instead of having the (Pine Trees) implemented all through the map you could add different shapes of trees such as Spruce Tree, Willow Tree, Larch Tree, Neem Tree, Peepal Tree, Aloe Vera Tree, ect. Try adding some of those to the land part so it could look more improved however you could take my suggestions anyway you like as you can see below scenery’s mostly have huts, lakes, rocks, plants, flowers, and others try adding some different things to the land & map area.


I really like all of the details that’s implemented to your “Low Poly Scenery” and i think it looks really good, as i said above try adding some wooden huts, signs, houses, rocks, plants to the land part so it could look more detailed as, well you could add some more vegetation. If you plan on adding details those are! Some i would recommend you add. Here is a couple, of things i’ll add so your scenery so it could! Look more better and improved a lot more. Overall you’ve done a, incredible job on your low poly scenery looks really decent!!

Scenery Decorations

  • Trees, Rocks, Wooden Huts, Plants & Flowers
  • Worn Down Benches, Houses, Road Signs, Lakes,
  • Ponds, Broken Gates, Gravel, Grass, Leaves & Willow Trees
  • Logs, Branches, Rivers, Broken Trees, Waterweeds & Little Mushrooms
  • Moss, Branches, Tree Logs, Redwood Plant, Mountains & Rock Paths
  • Big Rocks, Tree Stumps, Worn Down Shacks, Larch Trees, Small Rocks

Overall, you have done amazing job on your scenery these. Are just some details your low poly scenery needs. On the land part and some on the dirt road. However you don’t have to add all the, details i listed above! You could just add some, can’t wait to see more of. Your work very soon and the different, details you add to your build, anyways great job on your “Low Poly scenery”. Hope to see the improvements of it keep it up!


This looks super awesome, the sunset lightning is perfect, the trees, grass, road all look good, but in my opinion the road is a bit too empty, maybe consider adding some flowers in both sides of the road and also some benches.
It would make the road and the overall looking of this even better ! :slight_smile:


This looks really nice! Well done.


  • Maybe add some rocks underneath the trees to add some extra scenery.

  • I think you could play with the lighting to make it look more cartoony/ low poly.

  • I’m not sure if it’s just me but it looks a little empty in some spots especially when compared to other more crowded spots. I think it would look better if you filled these spots with something. Even if it’s a rock or some grass.

It’s a very appealing scenery and I wish you the best of luck on your future projects!:+1:

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Looks a little empty/ Maybe add mountains as barriers and detail on the path.
Good work so far!

Wow. Thank you for the extremely detailed response, I really appreciate that you took your time to explain thoroughly on everything for me.

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Good job dude, it looks nice.

The only thing I can recommend is adding something to the road, like maybe rocks or something along those lines.

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The road looks out of place, and I think the reason for it is that the scenery itself is imperfect (as nature should be) whilst the road is straight and perfect, so it doesnt fit in the with scenery.

A lot of people have suggested adding stuff to the road, but roads are empty for a reason. Instead of adding stuff to the road make the road curved or bendy (Roads in the countryside aren’t usually straight.) I think it would significantly improve the scenery.

You can make the road more realistic, example, adding some little rocks and some “mistakes”.

A bit more detail on the road/grass. Overall, looks great! Some tips I would give is to add some flowers, or anything on the ground to give it a more lively vibe. I also think some of the trees shouldn’t be bent? It would be a bit weird to have all trees be bent, (considering its all bent the same way). Well thats all! Oh sorry, I just looked at your photo again and I noticed that not all trees were bent, sorry! I stand corrected.