Feedback on lowpoly lighthouse

One of the models for my upcoming game. This is the first time I tried something low-poly and I’m pretty proud of it. Everything was made in studio. Any criticism is appreciated!


Its cute I like it :slight_smile: maybe just experiment with the shape to make it stand out from other lightouses.

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Hello, I like the appearance of your lighthouse because of the low poly style, though might I suggest somethimg for your lighthouse, first of all add some windows to the structure of the building next maybe make it a little bit taller to make it’s appearance to look a little bit fitting for it’s appearance since this model represents a lighthouse.
Overall, I appreciate and really like the quality and effort you applied to your work and hope you continue your development towards something great.

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Looks nice for a first attempt, well done!

To further improve this build, i would make a small island which the lighthouse resides on. I would also make the end of the lighthouse wider, rather than just staying in line the whole way.

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Not much to really comment about it except that (I dont know if this is just me?) but I’ve never seen a round top lighthouse. It’s cute, sweet and simple.

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Thank you all for your feedback, I’ve added a few things and started making the atmosphere around the lighthouse. :slight_smile:

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Maybe put some more detail on the inside to the lighthouse, other than that, it looks pretty good.

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Pretty cool! I think the lighthouse should have a little bit more shape though

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