Feedback on "Magazine bigger than Gun" animation

So I’m working on an FPS game, and I had an idea inspired by Hyper. The gun had a bigger Magazine than the gun itself! I want your feedback on it, not on the animation quality though. The animation looks horrible. Should I include it in my game?

Any feedback is appreciated.


It’s a great idea, and no, your animations are not horrible. If your game is an FPS/TPS, than that gun could definitely be an admin weapon!

Thank you! I said it was horrible because of the arm movement, but ok!

Thats hilarious, I love it and your animation is really good

The best animation I can make is a character flipping into a single brick.
(with some programming support of course)

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I don’t understand how this is logically possible but other than that good job it’s really clean :+1:

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Pretty sure that’s the entire point lol


Thank you. It was very hard hard to do, but it’s possible.


I mean I don’t know anything about animation but I would assume this is assisted by some code, is the magazine cut up into parts and then removed when they touch a certain part or something?
Idk I’m with @jxzzify on this one, I have no idea how the hell this was possible

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Well I meant how the cartridge clip could be that long.

Yes, that’s what I said too. It is possible.

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Also there are no scripts in the game. Purely animation.

How did you do that?
This man is a god

I would send a video later, since I am in school right now. To give you a “hint” for now, I’d say more magazines, actually.

Heh, finally I have done the explaining video. Hopefully, you can learn something from it and do it in your games!
Check it out here on YouTube.

If I am a god then I am the god of ideas

ohhhhh so you combined animations
I see now
This is still amazing
Also if you think your animations are bad still, they’re as good as entry point’s animations so I guess Cishato is bad lol
P.S. you earned a subscription

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I would guess this is inspired by a video by hyper called “big mag” as it has the same concept.

Well yeah, I said that in the post.