Feedback on Main Menu for upcoming horror game

I have recently been working on a horror game and wanted some feedback from other developers on certain parts that I have made. Here are some screenshots of the main menu of the game, and I was wondering what I could do to make it look better.

Menu Photos

I also would like some help designing a new custom proximity prompt. I have whipped out a basic outline shown in the photo below, but would like something more old and horror feeling, I just don’t know what/how to make it look that way.

Thank you for your feedback in advance.


I honestly thought it looked pretty nice! Although I couldn’t see it from the photos, maybe add some effects to the text when your cursor goes over it. I would also just push the Play, Shop, and Credits options slightly to the right so it’s not so close to the border. I’d also do this with the Psychology one by moving down slightly. Other than that, you could try playing with different fonts and adding extra details.

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